Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Behind Zen name

Zen is my grand pa's name from my mother side. He is actually a grand pa I never see. He passed away before I was born I guess or maybe when I was a baby. I only hear his story from my mom, that he is an air force army. He got even a medal. My mom said that he is a handsome man. We had his pictures before but when my dad renovated our house, the picture was all gone :(...Tobe honest, I don't know how/can not remember his face and can not imagine how he is look like in my head. For many years, I remember him but never seriously remember him, until one day, around 6 months a go when I was in a hardest part of my life, I felt like he is around me and said to me 'don't cry...Iam here with you'...It was an amazing spiritual experience I guess. Well, I don't know what to call that experience but I guess this is the way my grand pa to send a message to me his grand daughter to remember him and that he is there somewhere looking at me and take care of me from a far place that beyond our sight and by putting his name on my last name is my way to remember him...Thank you grand pa :)...I believe that you are somewhere out there, probably beneath the stars or behind the moon, looking at me and taking care of me :)....Love ya :-*....

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