Saturday, January 30, 2010

screams kill the soul!

I’ve read an article somewhere (forget where) about how people in the Solomon Island, when they want to cut a big and old tree, for days they will scream to that old and big tree and eventually the tree will die and it will make them easier to cut the tree. Well, I don’t know if it’s true or not because I never been to Solomon Island but in the reality, indeed when we see some people like to scream to others, we can see how the effect of it.

I remember my oldest niece, her mom which is my big sister, when she’s angry because of her daughter naughty, she always screams until one day, my 3 years old niece (at that time) said to me ‘mom must not love me because she always screams on me’…I see also my friend, she lost her love to her beloved husband because her husband likes to scream on her…and the latest happening is happened to my self, I am definitely loosing my mood to my job as my boss likes to scream to all his staff especially to me as I am his personal assistant and in my work place, the turn over of the staff is really high, staff comes and go…

It is true that screams kill soul of people we scream on…So, don’t scream to people you love, people you care, or even people you need….other wise you will kill their soul…

So better smile than scream :)...

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